“When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to focus on the face of the One Being in you that is conspicuous, clear, and radiating.”
… so says The Sufi Book of Life by Neil Douglas Klotz
I use this book alot to find out more about my day or week or moment. I find it to always be correct in some way, and find that if I can connect with the heart quality of the sacred name (in Arabic) or the pathway that is opened and I do the meditation, I always learn and grow constructively.
“This pathway tells us that working outwardly in life can be just as important as doing inner work.”
No doubts there! I would assume that moving to Toronto will get me working outwardly on many levels. For the past 5 years, I’ve largely been on an inner journey, so I guess now is the time to put all that inner journeying to the road test! I’m actually looking forward to doing more volunteer work – maybe put a little bit of my clowning experience to good use. 😉
“Perhaps life is calling you right now to take the role of the star – to be clear, radiating, and out-front. Remember that clear, positive action can cause others to become attached to you personally as the “doer”. Use this pathway to meet and purify this starstruck energy with the greater manifested light and life of the One.”
Doesn’t sound like bad advice to me! I guess I will have to connect with my inner dervish. Dervish is a word that means “one who sits in the doorway, or on the threshold of something, ready to move on and tranform him- or herself.” I often find myself on that threshold, waiting for the sign to go or to wait. Much can be said about having good timing – it’s definitely a blessing! And as for those who want to become personally attached to me as the “doer”, I will just start whirling! *hee*
The meditation is as follows:
“Center again in the heart. Consider any areas of your life in which you are called to act publicly in service to your purpose in life. Breathe with the feeling of this pathway and feel the breath softening any rigid areas of your body. Flexibility allows for the greatest radiance. Remember that you don’t have to do it all. When Zahir enters your path, just show up with what you have already cultivated and tell the One Being, “Here I Am!”, then let the divine radiance shine through you.”
Eye Can Do That! 🙂
I find Sufism to be a beautiful and life affirming way to go about life. It is basically a way of experiencing reality as love itself, and is derived from a word that simply means “wisdom”. It is a devotional tradition with a very ancient lineage, yet devoid of any set dogma or ritual. For most of its history however, Sufism has operated as a kind of Do It Yourself tradition. There is no overall leader, or pope. A Sufi guide is more like a cross between a companion, therapist, and trickster than an almighty guru. Sounds like the perfect tradition for me! 😉
In the meantime, I will attempt to illuminate myself and work towards becoming fully human and of course, express myself in a clear, radiating, and concise manner!