
Archive for March 5th, 2009

Eye can see…

Thursday, March 05th, 2009 | Author:

…that Spring is almost here! I have had the worst seasonal affective disorder this year, and so I am VERY happy that Spring is in the air.  It has been a long cold winter for sure and I’m definitely ready for some warmer weather and longer days. It’s pretty amazing what just a little extra sun can do for a person. I’m waking up earlier and I’m more excited about getting on with the day, I feel energized and motivated, my head is filled with ideas and I’m feeling ambitious about finishing projects and starting new ones. Astrologically, I’m low on air so when Spring hits, it really fills me up with that uplifting energy (literally, the wind beneath my sails) and makes me feel as though I can fly again. Thank you Spring! You are my favourite season for sure!! *happyspringtimedance* 🙂

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