
Archive for March 25th, 2009


Wednesday, March 25th, 2009 | Author:

Well, I can only think that she’s going through her terrible twos. She’s been quite a bad girl lately, fighting with Adhara and Little Bear, pushing her boundaries, practicing her selective hearing by not doing what she’s told, and giving us the “whatevar” look when she gets into trouble. Twice this week she’s fought with Adhara, once over a sleeping spot (next to Daddy!), and once over an empty paper bag (that was previously holding a piece of lemon poppyseed loaf). Rick took her to daycare today so I could get some cleaning done, but also to get her nice and tired so  we could have a quiet night.

I noticed when she came home from daycare she was feeling really great and was very happy to be home (which is awesome!) but then I realized that she’s also bringing home attitude from daycare. Apparently, she’s one of the bigger dogs there, and the girls just LOVE her to bits, and she gets tons of attention and love and her little dog brain goes *wee!*. She runs around all day, being a star (which is fantastic and totally good for her!) but then when she gets home, she harbours this “better than you” attitude, and starts pushing herself into alpha territory with Adhara. Now this just won’t stand because Rick is the most alpha of all and it just takes him and a few well-placed growls to get the girls to settle down and understand the pecking order of the household – alpha world looks like this: Rick, Adhara, Kim, Little Bear, Silver. Being at the bottom at home is no fun especially when you’re on top all day at daycare. *sigh* I’m really trying not to confuse her (it doesn’t take much), and I’m not sure if we should stop taking her to daycare or hope she’ll just grow out of it or figure it out, whichever comes first.  We unfortunately can’t leave her at home unattended for long periods of time yet, and taking her with us everywhere we go just isn’t always possible . So now I’m wondering what to do??

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