Good girl!
Tuesday, April 14th, 2009 | Author: kim
Well, Silver has been really good these past few weeks. I think she’s finally feeling secure and learning more and more about herself and the house rules every day. We can now leave her for several hours on her own (well, with the other dogs) in the house and as long as she’s had a good run in the past couple of days, she’s really good and just sleeps (as far as we know!) until we get home again. She’s always happy to see us (we get several AROOORRROOOOS!) and sometimes she tries to jump up into our arms and lick our faces (which she isn’t really suppsed to do), but as long as she doesn’t get too exhuberant we allow her up for one lick and then she has to sit like the other dogs. She learns well from them (as long as they are being good), but definitely has a tendency to be her own dog. She LOVES going out for walks and to the park, and is definitely Miss Social Butterfly, walking off with other people, completely oblivious to the fact that she has her own pack to hang out with, but we call her (she knows the hand signal for COME!) and always gets a cookie when she does. Typically, she’ll ignore our calls until she makes eye contact and sees the signal, then she comes running with all her might and sits quickly at our feet, ready for the treat du jour. She’s really come a long way and we’re really quite proud of her! Good girl indeed! 🙂